Since the beginning of this year, they have had access to an improved version of the Entrepreneurship Portal (Portál živnostenského podnikání), which serves as a one-stop shop for effective business management.
The portal allows users to apply for a business license online, update their information, easily search the trade register, and receive timely notifications about changes in business regulations. The Ministry of Industry and Trade (MIPT) aims to keep enhancing the portal, including the integration of artificial intelligence to help users resolve their issues more efficiently.
“Our goal is to make life as easy as possible for entrepreneurs and self-employed individuals. That’s why our ministry is developing digital projects to simplify communication with the government. One such project is the Entrepreneurship Portal, which we have already launched. It provides entrepreneurs with up-to-date information, convenient navigation, and electronic communication with trade authorities,” says Minister of Industry and Trade Lukáš Vlček. He adds that the ministry will continue to enhance this website to ensure it is as user-friendly as possible.
“This includes, for example, introducing a chatbot or digital assistant powered by artificial intelligence that will offer advice on common issues. We are also exploring the possibility of adding voice functions for an even more comfortable and interactive experience. This way, users could communicate with the portal using voice commands,” Minister Vlček explains.
The Entrepreneurship Portal, enhanced with new services and functions, was launched by the Ministry in January 2024. Thanks to these innovations, the portal facilitates electronic communication with institutions for various business-related actions.
Entrepreneurs can now directly report the start of a new business through the portal, modify existing registrations (for example, by applying for a new license via an electronic change sheet), and track the status of their applications using their registration number.
Additionally, the portal allows users to set up automatic notifications about news relevant to their interests, filter information by individual enterprises, and gain a basic overview of competition within their industry.
“The Trade Business Portal is not just an information index; it’s a fully-fledged public administration information system. Our goal is to improve the overall experience for trade businesses by reducing bureaucratic burdens and providing easy access to essential information without the need to navigate multiple authorities,” says Jan Strakos, Director of the Trade and Consumer Law Department.
He adds, “The advantage of the Portal is that it provides direct information from original sources rather than second-hand data. This way, entrepreneurs can stay informed about current legislative changes in trade law.”
The portal operates on three key elements: the trade register, business resources, and electronic application submissions.
Some services require authorization. Users can log into the system using an electronic identity card, such as the mobile key eGovernmentu, eObčanku, or NIA ID.
If you have any questions regarding business in the Czech Republic, feel free to consult with our specialists at the 360WEDO team. They are ready to assist you with expert advice and guidance tailored to your needs.